सूर्य मूर्ते - रागं सौराष्ट्रम् - ताळं ध्रुवम्
सूर्य मूर्ते नमोऽस्तु ते
सुन्दर छायाधिपते
कार्य कारणात्मक जगत्प्रकाश -
सिंह राश्यधिपते
आर्य विनुत तेजःस्फूर्ते
आरोग्यादि फलद कीर्ते
सारस मित्र मित्र भानो
सहस्र किरण कर्ण सूनो
क्रूर पाप हर कृशानो
गुरु गुह मोदित स्वभानो
सूरि जनेडित सु-दिनमणे
सोमादि ग्रह शिखामणे
धीरार्चित कर्म साक्षिणे
दिव्य-तर सप्ताश्व रथिने
सौराष्टार्ण मन्त्रात्मने
सौवर्ण स्वरूपात्मने
भारतीश हरि हरात्मने
भुक्ति मुक्ति वितरणात्मने
sUrya mUrtE namO-astu tE
sundara chAyA-adhipatE
kArya kAraNa-Atmaka jagat-prakASa -
siMha rASi-adhipatE
Arya vinuta tEjaH-sphUrtE
ArOgya-Adi phalada kIrtE
sArasa mitra mitra bhAnO
sahasra kiraNa karNa sUnO
krUra pApa hara kRSAnO
guru guha mOdita svabhAnO
sUri jana-IDita su-dina-maNE
sOma-Adi graha SikhA-maNE
dhIra-arcita karma sAkshiNE
divya-tara sapta-aSva rathinE
saura-ashTa-arNa mantra-AtmanE
sauvarNa svarUpa-AtmanE
bhAratI-ISa hari hara-AtmanE
bhukti mukti vitaraNa-AtmanE
Salutations Oh Lord in the form of Surya, the Lord of the beautiful Chaya
Oh illuminator of all infinite causes and effects in the world, the Lord of Simha rasi. One whose effulgent lustre has been praised by those of highest esteem, the bestower of benefits such as good health.
Friend to the day-lotus, a friend to all, the most resplendent one, the thousand-rayed, the father of Karna, the fire swallowing dreadful sins, whose brilliance has delighted Guruguha, one who is praised by the learned, the auspicious day-jewel, crest-jewel to Chandra and other planets, worshipped by the energetic, the witness to all actions, one who has the chariot drawn by the seven divine horses. One whose principle nature is embedded in the eight-syllabled hymn of praise, who is of golden hue, of the nature of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, and who confers material benefits and spiritual emancipation.